JBI Callsuite

Discover New Customer Potential In Cold Calling

We, as a competent partner at your side, offer you a comprehensive support program in cold calling in our JBI Callsuite. Find out how our acquisition service can help you tap into new sales opportunities and drive your business development.

Attracting new customers and building sustainable relationships is critical in our increasingly competitive business world. Thanks to our expertise and proven strategies, we support you with tailored approaches - from the research for potential customers to follow-up telephone calls with our Call Centre.

Increase your business success with JBI Callsuite

Are you looking for leads to expand your customer base, consolidate your position in the market or bring new products and services to the right target group?

JBI Callsuite finds.

Do you need DEMO appointments to talk to potential customers and market the latest innovations more effectively?

JBI Callsuite arranges.

Your follow-up work is at a standstill due to lack of capacity and prioritization of cooperation with existing customers?

JBI Callsuite completes.

The industries of our core competence

Medical Technology

Our team of experts understands the unique challenges and opportunities in this high-tech sector. We work closely with you to develop innovative solutions and successfully position your products in the market.


Engineering is a dynamic sector that requires constant innovation and strategic partnerships. Our experienced acquisition team will help you identify new business opportunities and benefit from valuable collaborations.


The IT industry is a fast-moving market that requires constant adjustments. Our acquisition service for the IT industry helps you market your services to potential customers in a targeted manner and expand your competitive advantage.

The JBI Callsuite stands for comprehensive competence

Our mission is to take over resource-consuming administrative activities to create free space for small and medium-sized companies. We rely on a well-rehearsed team with comprehensive competences as well as a strong network of partners. Through the precise planning of our capacities and the use of tried and tested processes, we enable constant availability and diversity of our services. 

In this way, we unite the two business lines Call Centre and acquisition under one roof, thus strengthening both regional and international customers.  

Get an impression of our competences yourself and test the services of JBI Collectione without obligation for a period of two months. After this time you will no longer be able to imagine any other solution, we are sure.

0% effort with 100% satisfaction, that is our promise. 

Sie benötigen einen professionellen Telefonservice?

Profitieren Sie von der jahrelangen Erfahrung unserer Callcenter-Agenten und lagern Sie alle Tätigkeiten rund um die Telefonie in ihrem Unternehmen an unser professionelles Team aus.

Ob die ganzheitliche Übernahme Ihres telefonischen Kundenservice oder die professionelle Durchführung telefonischer Marktforschung: entdecken Sie hier alle die Leistungen des JBI Callcenter.

Professional and efficient:
Acquisition service on a new level.
